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Super Growth Hair Shampoo - 250ml

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Super Growth Hair Shampoo - 250ml
Product Details
Weight: 300 g

Super Growth Shampoo activate and promoting hair to growth at balding area on a healthy scalp. It contains 60% natural hair growth ingredients to help

Super Growth Shampoo-250ml

Promoting Hair Growth Within 7 Days

Super Growth Shampoo activate and promoting hair to growth at balding area on a healthy scalp. It contains 60% natural hair growth ingredients to helps to stimulate hair growth on scalp area.




7 days Money Back Guarantee ( with Terms & Conditions Applied )

七天内原奉还,效果保证 (请阅读详细条款)

BF1 Super Hair Growth Series is formulated for faster hair growth results and easy usage. It contained 16:1 concentration of hair growth herbals perform recovery for 60% balding or hair loss problems.

Super Hair Growth Series suitable for :

* Recover 60% balding area and promote hair growth.

* Control scalp itchiness and dandruff.

* Suitable For Lazy User.



* 让60%以下秃头恢复生发

* 控制头皮瘙痒及头皮屑

* 适合懒人用户。

Super Growth Shampoo - Ingredients : Cocamidopropyl Betain, Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate, Panax Ginseng Extract, Radix Ginseng Extract, Red Reishi Extract, Henna Extract, Mentha Arvensis, Ginger Root Extract, Peppermint, Soya Bean Oil, DMDM Hydantoin, DI.

Direction : Pour Hair Shampoo onto hair, gently wash & massage 5 minutes, then rinse off. ( Use twice a day )

超级生发洗发水成份:Cocamidopropyl Betain, Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate,人参精华,野人参精华,赤灵芝精华,首乌精华,生姜精华,薄荷精华,黄豆油,DMDM Hydantoin, DI.

使用说明 :倒洗发水在头发上,轻轻地清洗和按摩5分钟,然后用清水冲洗干净。 (每天使用两次)

Super Growth Scalp Gel-250ml

Promoting Hair Root Growth Within 7 Days

Super Growth Scalp Gel activate and promoting hair roots to growth at balding area on a healthy scalp. It contains natural spicy spice to helps to stimulate bloods circulation on scalp area.




Super Growth Shampoo-250ml

Promoting Hair Growth Within 7 Days

Super Growth Shampoo activate and promoting hair to growth at balding area on a healthy scalp. It contains 60% natural hair growth ingredients to helps to stimulate hair growth on scalp area.




Super Growth Tonic-125ml

Promoting Hair Growth Within 7 Days

Super Growth Tonic activate and promoting hair to growth at balding area on a healthy scalp. It contains 16X natural hair growth ingredients to helps to stimulate hair growth on scalp area.




Super Growth Ampules-125ml

Enhance Hair Roots Growth Within 7 Days

Super Growth Ampules contains Red Reishi and 16X natural hair growth ingredients to activate and promoting hair roots to growth at balding area on a healthy scalp. It helps to thickening and increasing the hair volumes.




Professional Hair Growth Treatment Series

Concentration : 30:1

Recover 100% of Balding and hair loss problem. Complete solution for full recovery againts scalp and hair loss problems.


浓缩度 - 30:1


Super Hair Growth Series

Concentration : 16:1

Suitable for user less then 60% of Balding and hair loss problem. Complete solution for full recovery againts scalp and hair loss problems.


浓缩度 - 16:1


Hair Growth Home Care Series

Concentration : 8:1

Suitable for user less then 40% of Balding and hair loss problem. Complete solution for full recovery againts scalp and hair loss problems.


浓缩度 - 8:1


Please Click On Below For More Information for Hair Growth Home Care Series :

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Please contact our Hair Growth Consultant for further assistant. 详情请联系我们的专业生发顾问.

Hand Phone : +6012-3590 344 | Office : +603-6253 1125 | YM : bestform18@yahoo.com

SMS Order - You can place order by SMS your Name and Address to +6012-3590 344, then transfer your money into : RHB Bank Bhd., Company Name : Best Formula Industries Sdn. Bhd. , A/C No : 2-14400-00007291, International Swift Code : RHBBMYKUL