Pineapple Essential Oil – 10ml


Hair Growth Home Care Set

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Hair Growth Home Care Set
Product Details
Weight: 1 100 g

Hair Growth Home Care Set is for 30-45 days usage to testify our Hair Growth Result within 7 days. It helps to resolved more then 70% hair loss and scalp problems and perform new hair growth within 7 days of usage follow our direction.

* Results Within 7 Days, Money Back Guarantee

* Visit our Hair Growth Center, or contact our Hair Loss Consultant.

* Submit your hair loss problems - Free Hair Loss Helps

Hair Growth Home Care Set - RM399.00

1no x 180g Hair Growth Mask = RM138.00

1no x 250ml Hair Growth Shampoo = RM 78.00

1no x 250ml Hair Growth Conditioner = RM78.00

1no x 125ml Hair Growth Tonic = RM198.00

Total = RM492.00

Total Saving : RM103.00

Promotion Price RM399.00

Hair Growth Mask - Treat Oily Scalp 180g

Derived from natural herbal ingredients to treat oily hair, reduce hair loss and prevent balding. Special formulation offers effective control of excessive sebum, prevents acne (hair follicle inflammation), prevent clogging of hair follicles and ease penetration of hair growth tonic into hair & scalp.

草药生发膜 - 改善油性头皮

Hair Growth Tonic (Original Herbal) 125ml
Enhance Growth and Sustain New Hair

Natural herbal ingredients: concentrated extract of Ginseng. Tongkui and more than 30 types of other herbal extracts to enhance growth and sustenance of new hair and prevention of dandruff and hair follicle inflammation.

草药生发精华 (原产草药)- 促使发根重生

Hair Growth Shampoo 250ml
Control Hair Loss and Enhance Hair Growth

Contains natural herbal extracts to remove dead skin / dandruff, and sebum. It will cleanse and protect your hair and scalp.

草药生发洗发水 - 控制脱发及促使生发

Hair Growth Conditioner 250ml
Control Hair Loss and Repair Damage Hair

Natural herbal extracts are enriched with Wheatgerm Oil which contains protein, fatty acid, vitamins and etc, enabling them to strengthen the weakening hair. Besides, Wheatgerm Oil contains fatty acids that encourage the revitalization of hair cells while repairing hair epidermis and hair cortex.

草药生发护发素 - 控制脱发及修复发
纯天然草药加小胚芽油,它含有蛋白质,泛酸及维生 等,让脆弱的发丝更坚韧。小胚芽油含有制脂肪酸,能促进发毛细胞再生,更能修补毛表皮及毛 皮质。

BF1 Hair Growth Series 草藥生髮系列 – Control Hair Loss and Promoting Hair Growth. BF1 Hair Growth Series growth hair and control hair loss within 7 days. BF1 Hair Growth Series solved over 90% of hair loss problems. 100% Natural Herbals Formulation helps to growth more hair.

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