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More Slim Gel - 150ml

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More Slim Gel - 150ml
Product Details
Weight: 200 g

More Xlim Gel - 150ml

Immediate Body Slimming, Reduce Tummy Size & Waist Line

Most products are ineffective to those super over weight people due to their hardening of stubborn fats in their body. More Xlim Gel is able to disintegrate the stubborn fats into smaller size molecules. It is simple to use at anytime & in anywhere. Suitable for those who wants to get rid of stubborn fats on their body look. 

减肥瘦身凝胶 - 150ml

立即瘦身, 减少肚腩及瘦腰围

大部份的产品对太过肥胖者都没有效果,因为超肥胖者的硬脂肪通常都有硬化的现象.More Xlim Gel 能有效的将体内的硬脂肪分解成微小细胞而且效果明显及减少肚腩及瘦腰围.


Immediate Slimming Results from 1cm to 3 cm on every application.

No More Replacement Meal, No More Skipping Meals, Immediate Slimming Results. You can test with immediate results on the spot by applying the More Xlim Series on your arms. First, you measure using either your right or left arm before applying. Gently apply onto your arm and massage for 5 minutes. You will then be able to measure the slimming effect before & after. 

FAQ for More Xlim Series :

1. There is no side-effects on your skin even after long term usage of More Xlim Series. Gel ingredients used are made of natural herbal extracts.

2. Your body will definitely slim down after using More Xlim Series. However, your body fats may possibly re-expand due to daily food or water intake. It is recommended to use the More Xlim Series consistently to get effective body shaping results.

3. Results all depends on individual body chemistry & metabolism. If any skin rashes or symptoms persist, please consult a medical practitioner.

4. Measure your waist line and other parts of your body before using More Xlim Series. Measure again after using it for every 7 days. You will be able to get good results.



不需营养代餐,不需饥饿节食. 每次涂抹按摩五分钟,效果能至少从1cm至3cm.您可现场立即印证效果,您可先测量及试用在您的左手臂,然后用产品按摩5分钟后再测量分别效果.



2.瘦身后,身体会作适当调整.每天的饮食都会使身体加码. 您必需保持使用减肥瘦身系列使您想拥有的腰围为止.


4.在使用减肥瘦身系列前量身,每用七天后再量.您会发觉More Xlim Series的超级效果.


7 days Money Back Guarantee ( with Terms & Conditions Applied ) 

七天内原奉还,效果保证 (请阅读详细条款)

Ingredients : Seaweed Extract, Algae Extract, Black Pepper Extract,  Peppermint Extract, Lemon Extract, Lavender Essential Oil,  Cabomer, TEA, DMDM Hydatoin, Fragrance, Distilled Water.

Major Ingredients 

Seaweed Extract - Removes the toxin and the dropsy, is advantageous to urinates function. 

Algae Extract -Removes the access water and toxin from the body, it created firming and help slimming.  

Grapefruit Extract - Improve the blood circulation, strengthens the liver and the kidney platoon and poisonous function.  

Black Pepper Extract - Improve the metabolism, eliminates the cellulite and help digests.  


海带精华 - 排除毒素及水肿,有利于排尿功能 

海藻精华 - 排毒排水,朔身减肥 

葡萄柚精华 - 促进循环,加强肝脏及肾脏的排毒功能 

黑胡椒精华 - 促进新陈代谢,消除橘皮肤及帮助消化.

Direction : Apply directly to body, gently massage till dry. ( Use twice a day )


More Xlim Gel - 150ml

Immediate Body Slimming, Reduce Tummy Size & Waist Line

Most products are ineffective to those super over weight people due to their hardening of stubborn fats in their body. More Xlim Gel is able to disintegrate the stubborn fats into smaller size molecules. It is simple to use at anytime & in anywhere. Suitable for those who wants to get rid of stubborn fats on their body look. 

减肥瘦身凝胶 - 150ml

立即瘦身, 减少肚腩及瘦腰围

大部份的产品对太过肥胖者都没有效果,因为超肥胖者的硬脂肪通常都有硬化的现象.More Xlim Gel 能有效的将体内的硬脂肪分解成微小细胞而且效果明显及减少肚腩及瘦腰围.



More Xlim Cream - 150ml

Firming Flabby Skin and Reduce Stretch Mark

This is the most important item for body slimming process. When our body fats are gone, body skin become flabby and loosen. More Xlim Cream perform firming up those loosen skin and uneven skin texture like stretch  mark.


减肥瘦身霜 -150ml


这是减肥过程中最重要的产品。当我们的身体脂肪都减少了,身体皮肤变得松弛和缺乏弹性。More Xlim Cream 让松弛皮肤紧致及减少妊娠纹。



More Xlim Ampules - 60ml

Burn Critical Fats, Remove Partial Critical Body Fats Such As On Neck, Hands & Legs Area

Safety use and quality ingredients should not be ignored when using slimming products. Some products may cause skin irritants, black spots or even allergic. More Xlim Ampules does not contain any harsh chemicals but it has gentle & soothing natural plants & fruits essence which are safe to use & enable to protect & provide healthier skin. More Xlim Ampules are portable, easy to carry around & indeed your Best Body Shaping companion. 

减肥瘦身安瓿 - 60ml


针对安全及健康的减肥方法其实很重要.市面上有些不负责任的减肥瘦身产品可能对您的皮肤上导致敏感,黑印及水疱等.More Xlim Ampules 不含强性的化学成份,它以温性草本植物精华及精心提炼而成的果实精华不但安全使用且能有效保护皮肤不受损。


SMS Order - You can place order by SMS your Name and Address to +6012-3590 344, then transfer your money into :  RHB Bank Bhd., Company Name : Best Formula Industries Sdn. Bhd. , A/C No : 2-14400-00007291, International Swift Code : RHBBMYKUL