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Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol (ABHSG) - Daisy - 5L

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Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol (ABHSG) - Daisy - 5L
Product Details
Weight: 6 000 g

Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol (ABHSG) - Daisy - 5L

BF1 Formulated Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol (ABHSG) - Daisy - 5L proven to kill 99.99% of harmful bacteria and viruses on hand. Specially design for customer who want to keep their hand clean.

Direction of Use : Apply directly onto hand, gently massage and leave dry.

Odor of Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol : Scent as per natural plants, wood, flower or fruit shown in picture.

Products Approval Code ( KKM Notification Number ) :

BF1 Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol Bidara Leaf Scent - NOT200700433K
BF1 Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol Frangipani Scent - NOT200700432K
BF1 Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol Honey Melon Scent - NOT200700436K
BF1 Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol Green Apple Scent - NOT200700435K
BF1 Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol Aloe Vera Scent - NOT200700434K
BF1 Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer Gel with 75% Alcohol Rosemary Scent - NOT200802200K