Jenama Minyak Wangi Gucci

Jenama Minyak Wangi Gucci

Virgin Carrier Oil (VCO)

Carrier Oils Performance and Results

All our pure Carrier Oils perform immediate results as per description, you may test the Carrier Oils on your hand and compare with the other hand to see the immediately skin firming, hydrated and smoother results. Because our Carrier Oils produce with cold press or cold process, the Carrier Oils will be lighter and smoother, not sticky at all, you don't even feel oily after direct skin application.

Carrier Oils Guarantee

We provide 7 days Money Back Guarantee for all Virgin Carrier Oils and Natural Carrier Oils. Our Carrier Oils 100% Non Alcohol, no harmful chemicals suitable use for all Muslim, all skin types and safe for babies, children or adults. 7 Days Money Back Guarantee

Carrier Oils Application

All Carrier Oils are pure natural oil without fragrance. Pure natural Carrier Oils use for hair care, body care, facial care, massage oil, cosmetics, soaps and other products.

Virgin Carrier Oil (VCO)

Virgin Carrier Oil (VCO) are the top and lightest layer oil processed by cold press allow skin easy absorption. Virgin Carrier Oils are lightest oil maintained it nutrition and benefit for skin without any side effect.

Virgin Carrier Oils suitable for direct skin application and safe for all skin types. Virgin carrier oils leave no stain on skin and it will make skin feel powdery after absorbtion. Virgin Carrier Oil Suitable direct face or skin application, massage oil, blended oil, skin care products, hair care products.

Natural Carrier Oil (NCO)

Natural Carrier Oil (NCO) are the midde and thicker layer oil processed by cold press allow skin absorption. Natural Carrier Oils are thicker oil maintained it nutrition and benefit for skin without any side effect.

Natural Carrier Oils suitable for direct skin application and safe for all skin types. Natural carrier oils suitable for massage, blending oil and natural soap making.

Safety of Carrier Oils

All our Pure Carrier Oils are safe to apply on all skin type directly, it will not create irritation to skin. Pure Carrier Oils should not harmful to skin, because it make by pure natural plants, nuts, seeds, veges and fruits.

Example : Cucmber - Carrier Oil from fresh cucumber skin will not create irritation to skin unless harmful chemicals are use in extraction to prevent solidify, increase thickness, increase weight or prolonging shelf life.

Odor of Carrier Oils

Pure Carrier Oils are smell like fresh natural plants, nuts, seeds, veges and fruits, it will not stronger odor than the fresh natural plants, nuts, seeds, veges and fruits, because it do not contain any fragrance compound.

Carrier Oils Re-branding in Malaysia

We offer to re-branding all available Virgin Carrier Oils or Natural Carrier Oils to your own Carrier Oils brand with repacking to your required size and re-label with you logo and design. Make Your Own OEM Brand


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