Pandan Leaf Essential Oil – 10ml


Pricing for all Alcohol, Sanitizer and Disinfectant will depend on the Alcohol market price adjusted up and down without prior notice. When the price goes up, order stock that you need, when the price is down keep more stock. Thank you.

所有酒精, 消毒剂和消毒产品的价格均取决于上,下调的酒精市场价格,恕不另行通知。 价格上涨时,订购所需的库存,价格下跌时,保留更多的库存。 谢谢。

Harga untuk semua Alkohol, Sanitizer dan Disinfektan akan bergantung pada harga pasaran Alkohol yang di selaraskan naik dan turun tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Apabila harganya naik, pesan stok yang anda perlukan, ketika harga turun simpan lebih banyak stok. Terima kasih.

Important : Alcohol Prices will be update from time to time depending the stock available and batches, all update 12.00 midnight.

